Smart City & Regions:
Planning, ReConomics, Management Frameworks as Industry Best Practices

1. VISIONARY Planning
2. EFFECTIVE Development
3. EFFICIENT Management

SMART Mobility-As-A-Service Solutions (MaaS), Transportation Solutions 
for Sustainable Development & Growth in your Cities, Regions & Nations


Integrated Solutions for HABITAT:  A professional services and solutions group with focus on Development Industry. Our Services and Solutions are use the best-in-class technologies, systems and frameworks for Digital Twin Transformation and growth of your Cities, Regions and Nations.

NEXIS: Resources & Training

HOME of Resources and Training for HABITAT Planning, Design, Engineering , Operations and Management.
Historically, all Infrastructure development need coordinated and advanced systems and resources as support systems. The Industry going for 'Optimizing Traffic with OEM Intelligence, AV/EV Technologies and Demand-driven fleets".

The MASTER PLAN includes the VISION, Schedule, Resources, environment, Growth, Trends, stakeholder, citizens, regional and global economic environment. The MASTER PLAN is an opportunity for Synergy and Optimization of all related factors, to achieve the growth and development within a Time horizon.

Tha LAND is a fundamental resource for Physical Development, Connectivity, Recreation, Housing, Recreation, Business, Government Services, Trade and Commerce etc. Sound Management Systems and Frameworks are required for Inventory, Addressing, Space Use/Allocation, Right Of Way, Utilities and Market.

The Urban/Regional operations, functions and services need comprehensive frameworks, processes and procedures for Checks & balances,  Accountability and Audits. The Connected SmartCity Solutions and Technologies can help improves the effectiveness and efficiency of the Cities and its operations with Audi table organizations and programs.

The Quality of Services for mobility, quality and welbeing of the stakeholders is key to sustainable Urban/Regional Administrations. The Service models for Habitats would allow investigate and implement appropriate Service models suitable for diverse Service sectors. 

The evolution of Services, Solutions, Technologies and Management practices are constantly pushing the envelope of the premises that acted as the basis of HABITAT. The Sustainability is a Framework to redefine the long-term potential and feasibility of resource conservative HABITAT.

The design, implementation, operation and management of HABITAT infrastructure will be successful if the Infrastructure development and growth follows and coordinated and sustainable planning practices.

Digital Transformation of Cities for Humanity

Urban Workflows, Simulation, Visualization & Continuous Management

Online Cities - Transform the Urban Planning, Operations and Management using Digital Transformation. The Intranet Urban Workflows, Processing and Management to operate effectively, efficiently for the Citizens, businesses and investors. The existing Public Services and Support systems can be transformed to Digital Models to optimize the low capacity levels in small and medium scale cities.

1. Regulatory Systems

The Regulatory frameworks are not a finite solution for development and growth but a set of time-sensitive legal tools to regulate operations, development and growth. These tools are expected to evolve and prove its effectiveness to be relevant. The effective aspects of Regulations needs continuous auditing of processes, procedures and results to retain and enrich any regulatory framework. At Nexis we help organizations and its regulatory frameworks to be relevant to the versions of evolution in the society and technical potentials.

2. Account & Audit

The development projects involve tax payer investments and and budget processes. The auditing of processes, effectiveness and results are as important as the financial audit and accounting. We provide localized and custom solutions for the comprehensive Accounting, Inventory, Audit of all stakeholder components of public programs and projects for Habitat Sustainability.


Smart, Sustainable, Resilient, Livable 

Cities, Region and Nation Building

1. VISIONARY Planning
The development of cities, rural centers and the regions are products and services which requires VISIONARY Plans first. A Vision that is independent of current limitations, resources, processes, procedures, stakeholders, management.

2. EFFECTIVE Development
The cities, rural centers and the regions need products and services with EFFECTIVE, measurable and traceable development with clear schedules, processes, procedures, resource for all stakeholders, with accountability for Sustainable HABITAT.

3. EFFICIENT Management
The Urban & Regional physical environment go through individual/collective processes, operations, maintenance, installations, supply chains and they need EFFICIENT Management framework to integrate, optimize processes, procedures and practices for HABITAT Sustainability.

The HABITAT development with sustainability is a key strategy for long-term sustainable growth of Habitat where the investors, citizens, businesses and management organizations for Sustainable Future.

We support you for the following platforms


The NEXIS TEAM is a group of Professionals with proven International expertise.
The Group is driven and committed to lead the Development Industry Professionals across the globe.


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3. Habitat Systems

Nexis support the VISION: "Visionary Planning, Effective Development. Efficient Management for Sustainable HABITAT". We have extensive experience to provide wide range of solutions and services for your Habitat. We understand the measurable and resource based sustainable growth strategies and development would generate unprecedented opportunities for its citizens and organizations to build Sustainable Habitat.

4. Integrated Services

The continuous, contiguous and multi-dimensional habitat needs systems that connect, interact and integrate at various operational, process, procedures and management levels. At NEXIS, we promote and provide solutions that achieve optimum integration of all components of Habitat for the continuous, contiguous and multi-dimensional HABITAT.

5. Habitat Sustainability

The HABITAT 2.0 needs to evolve CONTINUOUS and CONTEXTUAL with the advancements in commerce, trade, mobility, land use, recreation, market, social, operations, security and governance.sphere. The Management Systems for connected infrastructure and customers need 'Connected Management Systems'. The management framework include inventory of assets, installation, life-cycle, operations, services, distribution, and customer relationships of Infrastructure facilities.

6. Habitat Design

The design, development, operations and management of Infrastructure needs vertical and horizontal integration and Services for all stakeholders. The real time calibration and flexible systems for Infrastructure provisions requires smart Infrastructure related network designs.. We provide Intelligent Infrastructure Solutions for the complete cycle of Infrastructure design, development, operations and management. Different terrains offer different options and challenges to plan and execute infrastructure.


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World's First CMM-H for the Development Industry!
CMM-Habitat Sustainability Standards & Frameworks

Basic Initial Stage for Sustainable Habitat

Business Unit Level: Business Units with BASIC training, training programs, documentation on sustainability KPIs, Organizational reactive structure for Sustainable Business Units and capacity to implement next Levels of CMM-H Standards.

Managed Models, Project stage for Sustainable Habitat

Department Level: Departments with Projects with MANAGED project level process models, training, auditable training programs, documentation on sustainability KPIs, management structure for Sustainable department/s. Management capacity for next Levels of CMM-H Standards.

Defined Proactive Programs stage for Sustainable Habitat

Organization level: Organizations with auditable training program logs, documentation on sustainability KPIs, defined organizational structure, processes and programs for Sustainable Organization. Developed capacity to implement next Levels of CMM-H Standards.

Measured, Controlled stage for Sustainable Habitat by Sector

City or Village level:  Auditable training program logs, documentation on sustainability KPIs, defined organizational structure, processes, continuous KPI data-logs, managed corrective action programs for Sustainable Villages/City. Have capacity to implement next Levels of CMM-H Standards.

Self-Optimizing Stage for Sustainable Habitat by City/region

Regional level: Auditable training program logs, documentation on sustainability KPIs, defined organizational structure, processes, continuous KPI data-logs, self-correcting programs for Sustainable Regions. Have capacity to remain Sustainable for Planned Resource and Development horizon.

Self-Optimizing Biodiversity by climatic, BioGeo, ecology

Bio Regionalism: The regional nature of BioGeologic, ecology and climatic elements to increase Biodiversity with scientific methods..


INDIA Office:
Barathi Arcades,
Trivandrum, Kerala, India 695011

UK Office:
71–75 Shelton Street
Covent Garden
London WC2H 9JQ UK

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  • Cloud Services
  • eMaster Plan
  • md/GeoBIM
  • GeoSpatial
  • Enterprise Systems
  • SmartCity Systems
  • Digital Twin, Metaverse

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