Smart City & Regions:
Planning, ReConomics, Management Frameworks as Industry Best Practices

1. VISIONARY Planning
2. EFFECTIVE Development
3. EFFICIENT Management

SMART Mobility-As-A-Service Solutions (MaaS), Transportation Solutions 
for Sustainable Development & Growth in your Cities, Regions & Nations


HOME of Planning Solutions, Services and Systems for HABITAT.
We provide comprehensive Services and Solutions for Habitat Life-Cycle. The following summary is a list of Smart Planning Services & Solutions. 

The MASTER PLAN includes the VISION, Schedule, Resources, environment, Growth, Trends, stakeholder, citizens, regional and global economic environment. The MASTER PLAN is an opportunity for Synergy and Optimization of all related factors, to achieve the growth and development within a Time horizon.

The LAND is a fundamental resource for Physical Development, Connectivity, Recreation, Housing, Business, Government Services, Trade and Commerce etc. Sound Management Systems and Frameworks are required for Inventory, Addressing, Space Use/Allocation, Right Of Way, Utilities and Market.

The key segment of HABITAT is the CITIZEN, who live and make the internal spaces alive and functional. The primary ORIGIN of all travels inside the Cities are either from or towards Neighborhoods where people's Home are located.

The Physical and Functional SPACE, FORM and AMBIANCE play a key role for the mobility, quality and well being of the stakeholders. Sound URBAN DESIGN provides the uniform, unique, structured and optimized Space, Form and Ambiance to any given area.

Smart Mobility, Facility management Systems - The evolution of Services, Solutions, Technologies and Management practices are constantly pushing the envelope of the premises that acted as the basis of HABITAT. The SmartCity is a Framework to redefine the Space, Connectivity, Relationships, Services and Governance of HABITAT. NEXIS Provide Smart Mobility-As-A-Service (MaaS) Solutions, Security, Transportation Solutions.

The design, implementation, operation and management of HABITAT infrastructure will be successful if the Infrastructure development and growth follows and coordinated and sustainable planning practices.

Digital Transformation of Cities for Humanity 

Urban Workflows, Simulation, Visualization & Continuous Management

Online Cities - Transform the Urban Planning, Operations and Management using Digital Transformation. The Intranet Urban Workflows, Processing and Management to operate effectively, efficiently for the Citizens, businesses and investors. The existing Public Services and Support systems can be transformed to Digital Models to optimize the low capacity levels in small and medium scale cities.

Cloud Server based Virtual Master Planning
Virtual eMaster Planning

We provide flexible Digital Master Plan Services to small and medium scale cities using Web based Digital Infrastructure. The platform also support citizen participation, collaboration among stakeholder agencies, businesses and investors.

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Workflow Automation
Smart Facility Management

The existing public and private facilities requires continuous services and maintenance support for its life-cycle. The Digitization and IoT based Systems support intelligent and data driven Facility Management. 

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Integrated Solutions for HABITAT:  A professional services and solutions group with focus on Development Industry. Our Services and Solutions are use the best-in-class technologies, systems and frameworks for Digital Twin Transformation and growth of your Cities, Regions and Nations.

PLAN the AGILE City Future with you...with DigitalTwinVerse Solutions for all Business Verticals

Innovative Demand Responsive AGILE Cities & Regions (ACR) with Mobility Hubs, Airports, Seaport, Industrial Parks, Trade Routes, Commercial Hubs, Smart Neighbourhoods. #We Support Landuse for Residential, Industrial, Mobility, Mixed-use, Heritage, Landscape developments

  • Planning and Development of Cities with Stakeholders
  • Customer friendly Digital Last-Mile Mobility Systems
  • Digital Transformation of City Processes and Outcomes
  • Urban Design with Real-time IoT Sensors and Smart Buildings
  • Digital Twin Solutions for Development Planning & Business Operations
  • Planning and Development of Cities with Stakeholders
  • Customer friendly Digital Last-Mile Mobility Systems
  • Digital Transformation of City Processes and Outcomes
  • Connected Smart City Operations and Management Solutions
Development Industry -
NEXIS Integrated Planning, Development, Operations and Management Model

Unlike many other professions, the Development Industry covers all ranges of Habitat Life - Investment, Activities, Functions, Operations, Facilities, Infrastructure, Services, Environment, Climate, Sustainability. Planning profession focus on all those components as they influence Development and Growth of Cities, Regions and Nations.

The professional and scientific approaches to Planning , Development, Operations and Management is needed, it is an Integrated Development Industry Structure also for a Sustainable Future.


The NEXIS TEAM is a group of Professionals with proven International expertise.
The Group is driven and committed to lead the Development Industry Professionals across the globe.

1. Master Planning Services

At NextGEN, we provide MASTER PLANNING Services with many unique values for the customers. We do not produce Master Plans to confine to traditional notions of statistical projections, skylines, connectivity and business interests. Our plans reflects a HABITAT 2.0. concept of REDEFINED and IMPROVED Land Use distribution, Transportation, Trade, Commerce, Social integration, mixed-commerce, intelligent transportation, security, education, governance.

2. Land and Landscape Management

The scarce and demand driven land transaction in all HABITAT (Cities/Rural area) needs best practices for inventory, operations, marketing, management, customer relations and landscape design/planning and management, operations. The value and life of space shifts around the quality and market value that each of parcel and surroundings generate within HABITAT.

3. Neighborhood Planning Services

At NextGEN, we provide MASTER PLANNING Services with many unique values for the customers. We do not produce Master Plans to confine to traditional notions of statistical projections, skylines, connectivity and business interests. Our plans reflects a HABITAT 2.0. concept of REDEFINED and IMPROVED Land Use distribution, Transportation, Trade, Commerce, Social integration, mixed-commerce, intelligent transportation, security, education, governance.

4. Urban Design and Planning

The HABITAT space and its value are volatile as it responds to the customer taste, aspirations and quality of living standards. The HABITAT space also needs to responds to the functional schedules and cycles across seasons, event cycles, operational needs of customers. The Urban Design and Planning Services focus on the evolving needs and aspirations of space, form, functions and operational needs in HABITAT..


Nation Building... 

with lower risks and higher efficiencies
1. VISIONARY Planning

Visionary PLANS that capture the aspirations and potentials of Cities/Regions that can be achieved with reasonable operations and management that can attain sustainable future for its stakeholders.

2. EFFECTIVE Development

The technologies and innovations will drive business and organizational verticals to reach respective niche and optimal functions. The orderly functioning of all stakeholders needs measurable, accountable and purposeful effectiveness.

3. EFFICIENT Management

The stakeholders of all nations seek efficient service and infrastructure environment. The multi-user and multi-stakeholder cities/regions need regulatory and process frameworks for efficient functional operations and management.


With limited natural, population, productivity, social and cultural resources all nations need Sustainable development and growth frameworks and trajectory.

5. SmartCity: Transport, Mobility, Facility Management Systems

The evolution of Services, Solutions, Technologies and Management practices are constantly pushing the envelope of the premises that acted as the basis of HABITAT. The SmartCity is a Framework to redefine the Space, Connectivity, Relationships, Services and Governance of HABITAT. NEXIS Provide Smart Mobility-As-A-Service (MaaS) Solutions, Security, Transportation Solutions.

6. Infrastructure Planning

The design, development, operations and management of Infrastructure needs vertical and horizontal integration and Services for all stakeholders. The planning parameters used for capacity estimation and forecasting often produce under-used or over-used infrastructure which calls for real time calibration and flexible systems for Infrastructure. We provide Intelligent Infrastructure Solutions for the complete cycle of Infrastructure design, development, operations and management. Different terrains offer different options and challenges to plan and execute infrastructure.


We Support Following Partners

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Twinzo: Digital Twin
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ESRI: Geospatial
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MIOVISION: Transportation
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TravancoreAnalytics: Solutions
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EO Factory: EarthObservation
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IREX AI: Facility & Transport
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ECOLANE: DRT Transportation
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COHGA: OpenGeospatial
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ECOLANE: DRT Transportation
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MICROMAP: Transport Geospatial
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METAVERSE: Metaverse Standards
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RECONOMICS: Renewal/Circular
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AI/ML: Artificial Intelligence
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Microsoft-BI: Business Intel.
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BIM CAD: Standard
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IT Asset Mgt.: Infrastructure

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INDIA Office:
Barathi Arcades,
Trivandrum, Kerala, India 695011

UK Office:
71–75 Shelton Street
Covent Garden
London WC2H 9JQ UK

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  • Cloud Services
  • eMaster Plan
  • md/GeoBIM
  • GeoSpatial
  • Enterprise Systems
  • SmartCity Systems
  • Digital Twin, Metaverse

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